Alternalite LED

Alternalite Electric Inc. Logo

Professional LED Lighting Contractor in Northeast Ohio

At Alternalite LED, we not only have extensive installation experience, but we have also developed an impressive team of strategic partners -- such as First Energy, COSE, and others -- to offer a complete, turnkey solution to our clients. 

What Alternalite LED can do for you

  • Perform a free energy assessment
  • Obtain lighting quotes
  • Integrate a lighting controls plan (if applicable)
  • Consult with our preferred financial institution to provide you with a financing proposal
Do you plan on installing the lighting yourself?
Let Alternalite provide you with a free quote for any lighting needs!

Why make the switch to LED lighting?

It will save you money -- up to 80% on your energy costs.
LEDs use at least 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs, emit virtually no heat, and last 25 times longer.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, lighting can comprise up to 40% of the energy used by a building, and more than $50 billion is wasted each year by the owners of commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings that keep their outdated lighting systems.
Replacement of outdated lighting systems allows for the fastest return on investment — paying for themselves within an average of three to five years or less — as well as a practical way to reduce operating costs for the total facility.
It produces better-quality lighting.
According to Electrical Contractor magazine, lighting quality can affect productivity and the visual comfort, mood, and safety of people occupying a space. Many factors — such as color rendering and glare — are important for a quality lighting system.
It saves time.
LED lighting can keep facility managers and engineers more productive by freeing them up to do more important things than changing lamps and ballasts all the time. The money spent on expensive lifts and scaffolding can also be reduced or eliminated. 

We’ve all heard the jokes about how many people it takes to change a light bulb. How about not needing any?
It’s green.
LED lighting feeds nicely into corporate green initiatives and LEED implementation. It feels good to go green and conserve resources, as well as to stay away from hazardous materials and disposal issues. This is especially true when green operation is part of a company’s mission statement and core values. According to the US Department of Energy, rapid adoption of LED lighting in the United States over the next 20 years could:
• Deliver energy savings of about $265 billion
• Avoid the need to build 40 new power plants
• Reduce electricity demand for lighting by 33% in 2027
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